MLB All-Star Game uniforms are a complete miss

The uniforms for the MLB All-Star Game have been released and they are a complete miss. In some strange way they are over designed and too simple at the exact same time, that is before even getting to the style of the jersey.

The very basic vertical lettering appearing on the chest spelling out the abbreviations for each team is very remedial and boring. Adding the logo of each team on top of the letting just makes this whole area of the jersey a complete miss. It is very much a jumbled mess with entirely too much going on.

Now let’s get to the style of the jersey. The goal of this uniform must have been to make the players look like as amateurish as possible. There is only one way to make this look even worse and that is they decided to make the players wear shorts as well.

There is one aspect of the uniforms that they managed to get right, the hats. The All-Star Game logo is perfect as it combines both a star and the Rockies logo. The purple and white star on the front with the red and white team logos just has the right combination and contrast of colors. It is just a shame that a similar idea could not have made it onto the actual uniforms. Embracing or embodying the host city is usually a goal when creating uniforms for an All-Star Game and nothing about this jersey says Colorado.


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James Mastrucci covers the Browns, Cavaliers, Guardians, Monsters, and Packers Find written work at This Is Believeland, Away Back Gone, and Lombardi Ave.
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