NHL is returning, but there will be problems

The NHL is getting ready to return, but they will experience some of the issues that other leagues such as the NFL, MLB, and NBA have.

There is some good news if you are a hockey fan. The NHL is getting ready to return. Now that the celebration is over it is time to talk about some issues. The NHL released their initial COVID-19 results Monday and this seems like a similar report that MLB had last week.

The initial testing results do not seem bad, but that will most likely change.

A twitter thread of protocols were tweeted yesterday by Bob McKenzie of TSN. (If you do not want to read the whole thing skip past it.)

Pretty lengthy right? It reads like the Declaration of Independence. The NHL is about to embark on a similar journey that the other leagues have. Players are going to test positive, that is a fact. Major League Baseball is doing a hell of a job of being completely terrible when it comes to testing and safety. The National Hockey League will somehow have to find a way to avoid the similar problems the other leagues have and it may not be possible. Like with all sports, hope for the best and expect the worst.


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James Mastrucci covers the Browns, Cavaliers, Guardians, Monsters, and Packers Find written work at This Is Believeland, Away Back Gone, and Lombardi Ave.
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