One of the most exhausting and over-discussed topics as of late has been the possibility of the Cleveland Browns building a domed stadium. While there are merits to this option, a recent projection has surfaced, which has resulted in near-universal praise for the project to move the team out of downtown Cleveland.

The image shows a sunken dome structure surrounded by other buildings, which could include shopping and hotels. This all sounds great on the surface, but that falls apart once reality sets in.
Very rarely do projects like this actually come to fruition in the manner they are proposed. A perfect example of this would be the District Detroit project. This was pitched as a way to revitalize downtown Detroit but has only really yielded a new shared stadium for the Red Wings and Pistons. The timeline for this project continues to be delayed, and it is easy to wonder if anything resembling the initial idea will ever come. This same sentiment should apply to any Browns in Brookpark project, as they will more than likely fail to reach their own lofty expectations that have been presented here.
Now, back to the Browns, and their “genius” idea to build near the airport.
Understandably, there are very few locations in which to build a new stadium. However, there is a reason why that space is available. Who wants to be by the airport? Why add traffic congestion to a sporting event or concert near an airport? Also worth noting is that there is also going to be some airport construction taking place, which will only further cause more traffic headaches.
The most likely end result is a new Browns stadium with team-owned parking lots. Maybe even a building or two owned by the Haslams or some other related entity. Do not expect anything like the above image to ever come to fruition. The Haslams are pitting the city of Cleveland and Browns fans against each other to benefit themselves and no one else.
There is one more thing to mention here. If the Browns leave downtown, it is going to cause irreparable harm to local businesses. There are plenty of establishments near the stadium that count on Browns games for revenue. Removing the team from their vicinity is going to make it so these businesses are no longer financially viable. All for an unnecessary stadium project next to an airport that only the shortsighted seem to favor. The priority for a new stadium should be to build on the current location while temporarily playing games elsewhere. This would satisfy the desire for a new stadium while keeping the team on the lakefront where they belong.