Dangerous issue with Players’ Weekend uniforms

An unexpected and dangerous issue with the MLB Players’ Weekend uniforms became apparent in Friday night’s game between the Indians and Royals.

Major League Baseball decided to go in a different direction this year with their Players’ Weekend uniforms. Instead of the uniforms reflecting the colors of each team, there are only two options. All black or all white. The reactions from fans are generally on the extreme of each side. Fans either love them or hate them. The approval of the uniforms is not the issue here. The all white uniform is.

The pitcher of the team wearing white has to wear a dark hat. This is so a hitter can actually see the ball coming towards him. A ball would blend in with the hat making it virtually impossible to see. This is a problem and MLB did a good job making sure this was not an issue. However the all white look is kind of wasted with this safety precaution. This look for Players’ Weekend should have been reconsidered when the realization that this could be an issue initially surfaced.

In the same grouping of rules a pitcher cannot wear white sleeves with an all white uniform. This is also a rule during non-Player’s Weekend, but should be mentioned that it is also not allowed during these events. It is more than likely a misunderstanding of the uniform guidelines for this weekend but Kyle Zimmer entered the game for the Kansas City Royals with white sleeves. This is not allowed.

The problem with the white sleeves is that the ball will blend in with his arm and the rest of the uniform. Again, making it difficult to see and presenting a dangerous situation for the batter. The failure to properly enforce the rules regarding the uniform is a problem and it sets up for a rather dangerous situation. All it would take is one pitch that a pitcher loses his grip on and a serious injury could occur. If there was already an issue with a white hat and an obvious potential issue with white sleeves, shouldn’t MLB have just ditched the all white uniform form the start?


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James Mastrucci covers the Browns, Cavaliers, Guardians, Monsters, and Packers Find written work at This Is Believeland, Away Back Gone, and Lombardi Ave.
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