Is Baker Mayfield going to do this all offseason again?

Cleveland Browns quarterback Baker Mayfield is apparently getting a headstart on an offseason long feud with Colin Cowherd.

Colin Cowherd goes on some sort of rant and Baker Mayfield responds. This happened last offseason way too frequently. It appears that we are going to be in for another round of nonsense.

Cowherd got Mayfield to respond based on some factual information while using other non-related statements to drive a point home. To the surprise of no one, Baker Mayfield replied.

First things first. Baker was booed because of another poor performance from not only himself, but the entire Cleveland Browns team on Sunday. A common point many attempt to drive home is that he has too many commercials. Now, I am as sick of the Progressive commercials as anyone, but blaming his poor performance on those is completely misguided.

This interaction just appears to be the beginning of another offseason of nonsense. Colin Cowherd will say something to bait Baker Mayfield. Mayfield being unable to resist, will respond. This is just an endless cycle which everyone inside and outside of Cleveland find tiring. Baker getting into arguments with Cowherd on television and on twitter is exhausting to watch.

All anyone wants is for the Browns to show some sort of appearance of being a real football team. Even if it is nothing but an illusion. Taking part in endless spats with Cowherd will not help Baker in any way. There are things to criticize Baker for. Arguing with Cowherd is one of them, the aforementioned commercials are not.

Mayfield has been sub-par this season. If he truly wants to improve and be a better quarterback next season it would best to focus on himself and not someone like Colin Cowherd. Everyone would be grateful for that course of action, not just those who reside in Cleveland. Focus on football first. Television personalities and twitter beefs can take a more than deserved backseat. I don’t think anyone can take another offseason of Mayfield and Cowherd going at it.


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James Mastrucci covers the Browns, Cavaliers, Guardians, Monsters, and Packers Find written work at This Is Believeland, Away Back Gone, and Lombardi Ave.
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