Cavaliers “City Edition” uniforms are really bad

The Cleveland Cavaliers “City Edition” uniforms have been released and they are really bad. 

Many NBA teams routinely come out with excellent “City Edition” uniforms, the Cleveland Cavaliers are not one of those teams. A hodgepodge of all the uniforms in Cavaliers history in a color scheme that lends itself to looking good in only uniform combination.

The colors are predominately blue and orange, a nod to the classic 1980’s Cleveland uniforms, but that is the only bright spot. The much maligned 1990’s uniforms make an appearance with the jagged line or “wave” as some call it across the middle of the jersey. The 1990’s Cavaliers jerseys were not great then and are certainly not any better as time has gone on.

The lettering of Cleveland is in the font of the iconic Cleveland signs across the city. While it does reference the mid-2000’s LeBron James era, it is not quite the same. The Cavaliers team shop even visited one of the signs with the font displayed on the jersey.

The numbers and Goodyear logo are the same as the current uniforms. The combination of fonts from different eras and various sources does not mesh well. If the goal was to make the uniforms look incredibly awkward then it was a success.

In all honesty one era should have been picked and used as uniform base. Instead the end result is this uniform, which is quite ugly. Different eras of time have different styles that look good during said era. Although the “wave” of the 1990’s uniforms was always bad.

When designing the uniform of a sports team editing is extremely important. Editing was apparently forgotten about as just about every idea was thrown into this uniform, leaving the end result of a sub-par uniform. The Cavaliers “City Edition” uniforms are bad and deserve every bit of criticism they receive.


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James Mastrucci covers the Browns, Cavaliers, Guardians, Monsters, and Packers Find written work at This Is Believeland, Away Back Gone, and Lombardi Ave.
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